Wednesday, June 20, 2007

A good point

My dear friend Anna just posed a great question to me via gChat... here's the cut n paste:

Anna: just out of curiosity, why did you make it a blogger blog, and not an lj community where others could contribute?

Me: I [started this blog] because I feel like it's important to have an actual blog in online magazine format to give weight to the issue. My thing is, there are SO many skinny girl beauty blogs- that show me images of toothpicks wearing dolce and gabanna and I'm tired of that being the only voice.
I want something with authority and honesty that isn't infiltrated and tainted by marketing dollars and littered with google adsense crap about diet pills.

I know this blog is REALLY new and all and trust me, I don't have a big head about it. But I have been thinking of starting this up for years now and finally got so jazzed up over a recent shopping trip that I just felt like it was time. I LOVE the idea of an LJ Community and an open forum. Miss Anna, when you start it up, I will make sure to post about it! But I want this blog to have gravitas and I think this really is the best medium.

(Let me assert one thing- I am not coming down on skinny gals with that quip about other fasion blogs, but stating a fact. Most fashion blogs portray a version of skinny that puts my petite figured friends on edge and doesn't do anything for the general well-being of women's self-esteem. My lovely smaller sisters, I am not addressing you. I know you share just as many issues as we curvy gals do and have to deal with the same fashion industry that makes us ashamed of stretch-marks, wrinkles, cellulite and naturally hot imperfections.)

With that said....

BUXOM wants you!

Have a good idea for an article? Is there a fashion or beauty issue you'd like to have tackled? Do you want to write an article for BUXOM? Wanna be a model/fashion outing fashionista?

If so, feel free to contact me: missbeezers AT gmail DOT com. I'd love to hear from you.

Thanks to all of you who have started reading BUXOM and sending praise! I can only hope that it gets better and better with more input and fresh ideas, so keep em comin!

and with that, I leave you with an awesome fashion moment of zen...

Beth Ditto style maevyn and hotty.

-Curvy Wishes and Lipgloss Kisses (ooh I just sounded so Toya!)


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